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8 Proven ways to increase your Twitter followers!


How do you get more followers on Twitter? It’s one of the most common questions I hear from newbie entrepreneurs, and it’s also one of the easiest to answer!

Whether you’re looking to gain your first 10 or 1,000 Twitter followers, there are proven strategies that work. Follow these tips and you’ll see results in no time!

1. Don’t post too much:

Posting consistently is important, but posting too much is a surefire way to get your account flagged and shadowbanned.

It’s easy to do — just automate your tweets by scheduling them, which will make you seem spammy.

On average, you should post no more than 3-5 times per day on weekdays (and 1-2 times on weekends). You can schedule tweets for different days or just make one master list of tweets to auto-post every day.

Try not to schedule your tweets right before you go to bed or right when you wake up. That will help prevent you from seeming like a bot. Consider posting different types of content on different days. One day you might want to post a link roundup, and another you might share some fun facts.

Or you can mix it up with photos or videos one day and links another. Mixing up your posts keeps things interesting for your followers and also ensures that they don’t get sick of seeing just one type of content all the time.

Consider posting on a platform other than Twitter. You don’t have to do all of your posting on Twitter. Share some of your content on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

Sharing is caring!

Find and engage with influential people in your industry. Not only will sharing their content and interacting with them drive traffic back to your site, but it’ll also make you look more popular by association!

2. Post at specific times:

The time of day that you post your tweets can have a positive or negative effect on how many followers you gain, depending on when people are online.

Generally speaking, statistics show that tweeting around noon is optimal — this is when most people are on social media and most popular accounts tend to post at that time as well.

Try posting just before noon and just after noon for your first few tweets if you want them to get more traction. The most effective times for tweeting may differ depending on where you live and what accounts you’re trying to reach.

If your audience skews older, for example, posting at around 7 p.m. might be more ideal than posting at 10 a.m., as a lot of younger people are at school or work during that time period. If you want to try a different approach, analyze your competitors’ posting habits.

Which days of the week do they post? How many times per day? What time of day are their tweets sent out on average?

If you discover that other accounts in your niche typically tweet twice a day and at 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., for example, it might be best for you to stick with that strategy.

You can also test different posting strategies and find out which one works best for you.

For example, if you post at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, but only have a few new followers by noon on Wednesday, try posting at 8 a.m. on Wednesday and see how many more followers you gain by noon on Thursday — the results might surprise you!

Don’t forget that you don’t need to post only on weekdays. If you know your audience tends to be online more during a certain weekend day, you could try posting on that day — just remember not to spam them with too many tweets!

3. Create great headlines:

A great headline gets clicked.

The old adage of don’t judge a book by its cover may be true, but no one is going to pick up a book that doesn’t catch their eye.

And when it comes to attracting new followers on Twitter, a great headline can make all the difference.

If you’re feeling inspired, there are a number of resources online that can give you lots of different headline ideas.

Get your social media team together and have them brainstorm with you, or even just post ideas in a public forum for everyone to see. You’ll find lots of inspiration when looking at what other people have done!

Once you’ve written your headlines, it’s time to find images that go along with them. If you can write a headline around an image, that’s even better!

Whatever you choose, don’t just settle for an image; make sure it accurately represents what your post is about. With so many great sites out there offering free stock photos, creating graphics for social media posts is easier than ever before.

When it comes to writing a great caption, you don’t have as much room as you do with a tweet. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t enough room for great content!

Don’t forget, your followers can see both your picture and your caption when they hover over your image on their feed, so make sure that what you write makes sense with what they are seeing.

Don’t forget your hashtags!

If you want your post to be seen by a wider audience, you’ll need relevant hashtags. Try using 5-10 different hashtags on every post if possible, but no more than 15-20. You don’t want them being cut off due to space constraints! No one wants their image and tweet to get lost in a pile of text.

Once you’ve finished creating your post, be sure to add a link back to your website or a relevant landing page in your bio. You may also want to ask other people for feedback before publishing. Get multiple opinions, and make any changes that need to be made.

Even one negative comment about an image can ruin what could have been a great social media campaign!

4. Personalize your tweets:

As with all other forms of marketing, having a target audience in mind is crucial.

Before you start tweeting away, ask yourself what it is that you’re trying to get out of your efforts. Are you looking for more clients?

You might want to focus on creating content that speaks directly to those potential clients. Or perhaps you want to sell a product or service; in that case, tweeting interesting facts and industry news may help attract followers who are interested in related products or services.

If you’re using Twitter to get more clients, think about what it is that will make you stand out. This can be in relation to your niche or even how you craft your tweets.

If you use Twitter for personal reasons, as a way to connect with friends and family, then it’s likely that your approach will be more casual.

You may not want or need any advice on how to make your tweets more effective or engaging; you might simply enjoy sharing with your followers about what’s going on in your life.

It doesn’t matter what your reason for using Twitter is, as long as you take advantage of all of its potential. After all, one of Twitter’s best features is that it allows you to reach a broad audience in a short amount of time.

By creating unique content that speaks directly to your target audience and sharing that content on a regular basis, you can establish yourself on Twitter as an industry expert.

By following a few simple steps, you can use Twitter as a way to improve your business. Whether you’re looking for more clients or just enjoy sharing content with family and friends, there are plenty of benefits to using Twitter.

The key is in using it wisely; by focusing on what you want out of your efforts, you can make sure that your time on Twitter is productive.

5. Use hashtags effectively:

Hashtags are commonly used in social media marketing and they can help boost your follower count.

Hashtags categorize your tweets and make them searchable, which means more people might find you on Twitter.

However, hashtags can be tricky, since using too many of them or using irrelevant ones may lead to a decrease in your follower count. It’s best to use 2-3 relevant hashtags per tweet if you want people from outside your network to notice you.

Make sure you don’t use more than 3 hashtags per tweet. Search for your own name and check out how many hashtags other people are using on their tweets.

Look for relevant hashtags that are popular in your niche. Use them often, but don’t overuse them.

Use #FF and #FollowFriday, which are commonly used hashtags for letting people know about other tweeter’s work. You can even use these hashtags to recommend your own account if you have less than 10k followers.

Hashtags are simple and they can help you gain more followers if used correctly. You can do a bit of research on popular hashtags in your niche, or use related ones that you find.

Don’t use too many though, because it may actually make people ignore your tweets if they see a long list of hashtags.

6. Use scheduling tools:

When tweeting, you should also consider using scheduling tools to schedule tweets ahead of time.

For example, Hootsuite allows you to schedule tweets in advance so that even if you’re not logged into your account or around a computer, it can still tweet for you at various times and on certain days of week.

Scheduling posts like these can help keep your followers engaged with your business and help reach an audience who may not be able to see all of your posts in real-time.

There are also a number of scheduling tools you can use to schedule your posts. SocialOomph is a great option, and they also have one of the largest followings on social media, with over 2 million users across all platforms.

If you’re using SocialOomph, remember that there’s no way to completely close your account or delete your data so make sure you never give up access!

It can also be helpful to use scheduling tools. While they aren’t right for every business, if you want to get ahead of your followers by posting at optimal times and date, it can help.

Buffer has a web app, as well as a mobile app for Android and iOS that lets you schedule posts across Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and other platforms.

You can also use scheduling tools like Hootsuite or later. If you use multiple social media platforms, these scheduling tools can help make it easier for you to schedule posts ahead of time and know that they’ll get posted even if you aren’t around.

Even though these are widely available and easy to set up, it’s still important that you monitor your scheduled posts when they go live. Otherwise, they may have a negative impact on your brand if something goes wrong during publishing.

7. Engage with people on Twitter:

Before you can get more followers, you need to follow people on Twitter.

You should be engaging with people in your industry and others on a daily basis so that they will know who you are when you ask them for a follow back.

If they see that you’re genuinely interested in what they have to say and not just looking for new followers, then there’s a good chance they’ll follow you back. It never hurts to reach out and engage with people personally via DM on Twitter.

If you’re looking for some ideas of whom to follow, find influential people in your industry. You can do a search on Twitter by using keywords such as #customerservice or #marketing. Then look at who is responding most frequently and engaging with those users directly.

Look at who people are following in your industry and follow those users. This helps you get in front of a larger audience more quickly, so it’s a good tactic when you’re looking for ways to increase your followers on Twitter.

Use tools like ManageFlitter and Twitonomy, which help you connect with influencers and make smart decisions about whom to follow.

Use tools like TweetDeck or Hootsuite to organize your followers. This will allow you to see which tweets are performing best, who is retweeting you and who is interacting with you most frequently.

You can then engage with those people more often by liking and retweeting their posts. Additionally, it’s a good idea to follow new users that have engaged with your account as well as people that have recently followed you.

Engage with people on a daily basis. If you’re looking for ways to increase your followers on Twitter, don’t treat it like a one-off.

It takes consistent engagement over time in order to build meaningful relationships and attract new followers.

Don’t just ask someone for a follow back once and then leave them alone; continue engaging with that person so they can get more familiar with who you are and your brand.

8. Post on relevant pages:

You might be familiar with social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, but did you know that there are several online websites where you can promote your brand?

For example, Twitter has its own version of a fan page called Channels. On Channels, you can curate content around a specific topic. So, if you run a golfing company, for example, you could set up a channel dedicated to tips and advice for other golfers.

That’s just one example of how you can leverage social media websites. For an exhaustive list, check out Social Media Examiner’s list of 100+ sites where you can boost your follower count.

Or, simply try posting on each of your relevant social media pages once a day or once a week and see what kind of growth you can achieve.

After you’ve tried posting on each of your relevant social media pages, consider joining niche social media groups. These communities can help promote your content while giving you a chance to interact with and build relationships with other like-minded professionals.

Just remember: Don’t over-post! Only post something once every 24 hours, even if you have more than one piece of content that could be beneficial for members of that group.

If you can’t find a relevant social media group for your industry, consider creating one. It may be hard to drum up interest at first, but if you provide useful content and foster good relationships with other members of that group, you should start seeing an increase in followers relatively quickly.

And don’t forget about LinkedIn. With more than 500 million users, LinkedIn is one of the most powerful platforms for professional networking in existence today.

Why not leverage that power by joining some groups and posting updates?

Just like with your other social media pages, you should only post once every 24 hours unless you have multiple relevant updates that need to be shared at once.

If you do post more than once a day, make sure your posts are very different so people don’t get annoyed by repetition. They may also perceive it as an indication that you don’t have enough content for just one update!


There are many different ways you can use Twitter to increase your followers. You can gain followers by purchasing them or earn them through promotions and contests. You can even create a contest on your profile and give away some great prizes in exchange for new followers!

Whatever strategy you decide on, be sure that you will also take care of your existing followers by following back those who follow you, respond to their questions, and ask them questions back.

To increase your twitter followers, you have many different strategies that can help you out. What strategy is best for you will depend on your goals and why you’re looking to grow your Twitter profile.

If you want your brand or business to succeed, you need to put in as much effort as possible, and engaging with your followers will be one of them. Make sure that you plan ahead and try out these strategies so that you can see results. You’ll be surprised at how effective they are!

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