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Looking to boost your product sales? Check out these top tips!


Have you ever wondered how to boost your product sales? There are many ways to sell more products, whether you’re an online retailer or someone who sells products in person, such as at farmers markets and craft fairs. Here are the top ways to boost your sales and increase your bottom line!

Before we dive it into deep, let’s have a look on following aspects:

  • Always ask yourself, how can I do better? and challenge yourself to do more. Before getting started with a promotional campaign, look at all aspects of your business.
  • Does your website reflect who you are and what you offer? Make sure that when a customer arrives at your site, they immediately get a sense of who you are and what value you can provide them.
  • Is there enough information on each page so they know exactly what they’re going to get if they order from you?
  • Have you been on social media lately? Not only is it important to use social media as a platform for engaging with customers, but also using it to drive traffic back to your website.
  • Can you improve your customer service in any way?
  • Are you properly using reviews and testimonials in your marketing and on your website?
  • Could you do more with public relations?
  • Have you had any recent press that you can build upon for future campaigns?
  • Are you looking at both short-term and long-term campaigns that can help propel your brand forward in a sustainable way, rather than making you jump from one promotion to another?
  • Are you considering how much time it’s going to take for each aspect of your marketing campaign before you get started? Often times, we want instant results so we overcommit ourselves, which leads us down a path of doing too much, too soon.

10 Tips To Boost Your Product Sales

Not every marketing campaign will be a success, but if you do enough of them in a structured way, you’ll see consistent growth in both your revenue and customer base. Follow these ten steps and you can help increase your chances of succeeding with each new marketing campaign. Do more of what works and less of what doesn’t work. The key is being willing to experiment until you find something that really works for you and makes your products sell.

Tip 1: Promote in the right places:

Don’t spam every single social media platform with links to your site or products. Mix things up and share your content in places where you know it will be relevant. For example, if you sell skincare products, try tweeting about them on Twitter and Pinterest but don’t promote them in a Facebook group for cat lovers.

Your customers are on different platforms for different reasons — keep that in mind when you decide where to promote your products. You can also use retargeting ads on Facebook and Instagram, which will show your ad to people who have already visited your site.

However, you’ll need a budget for advertising if you want to see results with retargeting. For more affordable promotion ideas that still get great results, try social media promotions like using contests and giveaways.

If you don’t have a big budget for marketing, consider looking into more affordable options like working with influencers. By partnering with people who already have a strong following, you can get huge exposure for your products without having to pay much.

Try working with micro-influencers — people who have less than 10,000 followers but still share relevant content in their niche — to get better engagement and results for less money.

Tip 2: Use discounts:

Offering incentives can be a great way to incentivize people to take action, including buying your products. People love discounts, and often will buy more of something that’s cheaper or when they get a better deal. If you’re looking for ways to boost sales, a great idea is offering discounts on popular items and marking down those that aren’t selling as well.

You should track your discounts over time, too. If they’re increasing sales or getting more people to sign up for promotions, you can use that data in future campaigns. The same goes for something like sending out a newsletter: if you notice that more people are opening it on Mondays than Fridays, consider changing up when you send it in order to have a bigger impact.

Sales are obviously a great way to improve revenue, but they’re also a great way to encourage people to try out something new. If you’ve got an item that hasn’t sold well in the past, consider discounting it as a way of promoting it and getting new customers involved with it.

Tip 3: Don’t be afraid to give away freebies:

Even if you’re not looking to make a profit right away, there are ways to include a freebie in your plan. For example, consider offering a coupon on an eBook or white paper that provides an overview of what you have on offer.

Giving away freebies is a great way to build your credibility and establish thought leadership. It’s also an effective strategy for driving more traffic back to your website. For example, people may download one of your eBooks, but then they might go on to check out more of what you have on offer as well.

However, you can use freebies as a way of enticing customers who might only be interested in a specific part of what you’re offering. For example, if you run an online travel agency and you have a popular eBook on how to plan a successful holiday, you could offer it as a freebie in exchange for people signing up for your mailing list or visiting one of your travel blogs.

By including freebies in your marketing strategy, you can ensure that you have new opportunities to engage with and nurture leads over time. In addition, by giving away something of value for free, you’ll also be demonstrating trustworthiness. This is particularly helpful when it comes to establishing thought leadership and credibility among your target audience.

Tip 4: Invest in digital advertising:

There are several different ways you can advertise your product. Researching which method would be best for you will depend on what industry you’re in and how much of a budget you have available.

Google Ads or Facebook ads are both good options, as they allow you to choose what kind of audience sees your ad, whether that’s based on demographics like age or interests. If possible, always try to include a call-to-action (CTA) with links back to your store so that viewers can immediately purchase.

Facebook advertising is similar to Google AdWords and provides you with a platform for creating ads based on specific audiences. Similar to AdWords, Facebook allows you to choose your target audience by selecting demographics like age, gender, location, interests and behaviors. Once you’ve built up a certain amount of money in your advertising budget, consider investing in services like Facebook Custom Audiences or LinkedIn Lookalike Audiences.

These services allow you to target specific audiences based on your existing customer list. This will ensure that people who have already bought from you are more likely to see future promotions and ads.

If you’re looking for a more cost-effective option, look into more traditional forms of advertising like radio or TV ads. These may be expensive upfront, but you can usually plan them around times when they’ll be less expensive. Think about seasonal trends or holidays that can work with your budget and align with potential customers who might be interested in what you have to offer.

There are tons of marketing strategies you can use to help boost your product sales. It’s important that you choose a method that resonates with you and your audience, as well as something that fits in with how you want to present yourself online.

Tip 5: Engage with customers:

Social media is an essential tool for building customer relationships. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest all allow you to interact with potential customers. You can learn about their needs and preferences by engaging with them on a daily basis via social media channels. Plus, you’ll have a better understanding of their expectations regarding product pricing and delivery options, both of which will help you create customer loyalty.

Social media sites also allow you to get involved in conversations relevant to your business, which is a great way of raising awareness of what you do. If you see an opportunity for engagement, jump on it!

There are numerous articles online regarding how marketers should engage with potential customers online. Look them up and consider which techniques might be applicable for you. Also, make sure that you’re following all of your competitors so that you can follow conversations and developments that they’re making within their niche and industry.

If you’re hoping to build customer loyalty, social media is a great tool. You can use it to post updates about new products and services, provide helpful insights into similar products or services that are available on the market, as well as answer any questions potential customers may have regarding your business.

The more genuine engagement you have with potential customers via social media channels, the more likely they are to feel loyal towards you and purchase from you.

Tip 6: Work on improving conversion rates:

This is especially true if you’re selling a highly commoditized service (like hosting, for example). If you’re in a very competitive niche with lots of sites offering basically identical services, it can be hard to convince visitors that they should choose you.

This means that it’s important to focus on conversion rates; if 5% of people who come to your site buy something, you need to ensure that you work on increasing that percentage. If you’re selling a service or product that has branding benefits, it’s often possible to charge more than you would for a commodity good.

If you can market yourself as having higher quality than your competitors, for example, it means that clients will buy from you even if they have less need for what you’re offering. You can also focus on improving conversion rates by offering free bonuses, like how Freshbooks and Digital Ocean are both able to offer more than just hosting.

The risk of leaving customers unsatisfied with a single aspect of their service is much lower when you’re also offering something else that they’ll appreciate.

Tip 7: Generate leads from existing products:

If you’re trying to get more customers for an existing product, a great way to do that is by promoting it on Facebook. This can be done through sponsored ads or boosted posts. It’s a good idea to start with an ad aimed at people who have previously interacted with your business, so only those most likely interested in your product will see it.

One thing to note, however, is that it’s difficult to promote a specific brand on Facebook. That means you should focus your ad on people who have expressed interest in a general type of product. For example, if you’re selling baby blankets and are looking for new customers, it would be better to target parents than people who have generally shown an interest in products for kids.

Another way to create leads from existing products is through lead magnets. A lead magnet is a piece of content you give away for free in exchange for someone’s contact information and permission to be contacted.

If you’re hoping to build a list of contacts interested in buying from you, a lead magnet can be an effective way to do that. In fact, once someone opts in and gives you their contact information, they’re considered a lead and become part of your mailing list.

Once on that list, they’ll receive future promotions — including any promotions for products similar to those they showed interest in previously.

Tip 8: Keep an eye on sales trends:

Sales are always changing, and if you aren’t keeping a close eye on where they are going — and why — you may be missing an opportunity. Today’s platforms offer tons of metrics that can help you spot spikes in traffic, revenue, or engagement that hint at future opportunities. Knowing what works (and what doesn’t) is critical in boosting your overall sales.

One of our favorite platforms for on-the-go analysis is Google Analytics. It allows you to look at data in real time, compare traffic and revenue over different periods of time, and see exactly where it’s coming from.

This can be an invaluable tool when tracking sales trends. You’ll be able to see what days of the week and times of day work best for you — and those that aren’t worth your time. If you use Shopify, then Google Analytics is even more powerful because it’s included as part of your e-commerce platform.

It gives you access to real-time data about visitors, traffic sources, and conversions — and also lets you look at trends over time so that you can see what’s working best for driving sales. This information will help shape where and how you spend your marketing efforts moving forward.

Another platform that offers tons of insights into your overall sales picture is Google Tag Manager. If you haven’t already, make sure to set up a conversion tracking plan in GTM.

This will help you see where people are dropping off in their journey from landing on your website or social media channel all the way through to making a purchase — and how that experience can be improved over time.

Another analytics tool you may want to consider is Crazy Egg. It helps you see how much of your site’s traffic is coming from mobile, how long people are staying on individual pages, and what parts of your website are getting them engaged enough to actually make a purchase.

When used in tandem with Google Analytics and GTM, it can give you a truly comprehensive picture of what’s happening — and then help you come up with ways to maximize those results.

That said, there’s no better way to get real-time insight into what’s working for you than with an eye on social media analytics. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram all offer options for analytics that can help you see who is engaging with your content and how — and then adjust accordingly.

Instagram’s new insights tool in particular can be a great place to look for inspiration about what kinds of posts are really driving up engagement.

Tip 9 : Treat customers like humans:

Overworked or stressed business owners are prone to making mistakes, many of which are in regards to customers. If a company treats its clients like people instead of objects, they’ll be more likely to receive repeat business and referrals.

The more satisfied customers are with their customer service experiences, the less likely they will be looking elsewhere for similar products or services. As mentioned earlier, when businesses don’t invest in treating customers like people, it can be disastrous. Companies need to provide as much customer service and support as possible.

The more a company treats its clients like human beings instead of just another sale or number, it will positively impact their bottom line. When a company treats its customers like human beings, it can have an enormous impact on its bottom line. After all, if you’re treated well, you’ll be much more likely to refer friends and family, which can really help a business grow.

However, if a company does not treat its clients with respect and kindness, they’ll find themselves losing business very quickly. Additionally, businesses that treat their clients well find themselves gaining repeat business and positive word of mouth advertising. Treating customers like people is vital for business success.

Tip 10 : Get advice from influencers. They know what they’re talking about.

You’re unlikely to have access to every niche influencer on Instagram, but you may be able to get some honest advice from people you know and trust. If they happen to post about a certain topic or industry, ask them if they can point you in any direction and what they would do if they were in your shoes.

A helpful influencer might also offer you their services, at a reasonable price. They can spread word of your products or services on their platform and get some followers and likes as well.

All you need to do is reach out. If they seem promising, get all of their contact information before you hang up and be sure to send them an email right away with everything that you’ve discussed so there are no loose ends.

You’ll thank yourself later for avoiding confusion, hassle and potential conflicts down the road. Whatever you do, don’t take any advice from anyone who wants something in return. Not everyone will be as helpful as they initially seem.

Make sure that if anyone offers you their services for free, you try them out for a while before making any commitments. Give them honest feedback about how things are going and see if they stick around or disappear into thin air once you stop paying them for their time. With influencers especially, it’s better to pay after results than before.

You can also reach out to other businesses in your niche and see if they have any advice. Maybe they have a few tricks up their sleeves that you could learn from or a contact who might be willing to refer you some business. Just like with influencers, you need to know how trustworthy and reliable they are before giving them any information about yourself or your products.

Don’t get too comfortable with strangers until you’ve figured out whether or not you can really trust them. You’ll likely have to do some research before you find a good influencer or other helpful person in your niche. Networking can be challenging, especially if you aren’t comfortable with social media, but it does work.

Give it time and don’t give up too soon – it may take a little while, but if you put in enough effort, you can find just about anyone with something useful for you.


Now, you’ve learned what it takes to get your products selling, don’t forget that it will be an ongoing challenge. Having a plan in place will help you focus on what really matters — getting more customers through the door, so you can turn them into repeat buyers.

Once you’ve got your piece of written content, it’s important to promote it via social media. While many people think they can simply create an excellent piece of content and then sit back and wait for visitors to come pouring in, that’s not how it works. You have to ensure that people know about your content before they can ever hope of coming across it on their own.

There are two ways you can promote your content. The first is to share it on social media, letting all of your friends and connections know that it’s available for anyone who’s interested in checking it out. If you have a professional profile on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook, be sure to mention that as well.

The second option is more direct and involves sending a link of your content to anyone you think might be interested in checking it out. Emailing all of your contacts isn’t always an effective method, but if you have a wide range of contacts that might include journalists, business owners and other industry professionals, it could be worth giving it a shot. Be sure to personalize each email as much as possible so they know that you’re not spamming them.

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