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What’s the difference between Ad Manager, AdSense, and AdMob?

Difference between Ad Manager, AdSense, and AdMob

If you’re a publisher looking to monetize your website or mobile app through advertising, you may have come across several platforms developed by Google: Ad Manager, AdSense, and AdMob. While these platforms all involve advertising, they serve different purposes and have unique features. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between Ad Manager, AdSense, and AdMob to help you determine which platform may be right for you.

Difference between Ad Manager, AdSense, and AdMob:

Here’s how all three differ from each other:

Ad Manager:

Let’s start with Ad Manager, a platform developed by Google that helps publishers manage their advertising inventory across various ad networks. Ad Manager allows publishers to control the delivery of ads to their website or app, as well as optimize ad revenue and user experience.

One of the key features of Ad Manager is its ability to serve ads from multiple ad networks. This means that publishers can use Ad Manager to manage their ads from various sources, including AdSense and AdMob.

Ad Manager also provides advanced reporting and analytics tools that can help publishers understand how their ads are performing and optimize their revenue.


Next up is AdSense, another advertising platform developed by Google. AdSense allows website owners to earn money by displaying targeted ads on their websites. AdSense uses contextual targeting to display relevant ads based on the webpage’s content. Publishers earn revenue when users click on the ads or when the ads are displayed to a large number of users.

AdSense is a popular choice among website publishers because it is easy to set up and use. Publishers simply need to add a code snippet to their website, and AdSense will automatically display ads that are relevant to their content.

AdSense also provides publishers with a range of ad formats, including text, display, and rich media ads.


Finally, we have AdMob, a mobile advertising platform that helps mobile app developers monetize their apps by displaying targeted ads. AdMob offers a variety of ad formats, including banner ads, interstitial ads, and rewarded video ads.

AdMob uses machine learning algorithms to display ads that are relevant to the user, increasing the likelihood that they will engage with the ad.

One of the key benefits of AdMob is its ability to integrate with Google Analytics for Firebase, a powerful mobile app analytics platform. This integration allows app developers to track user engagement with their ads and optimize their revenue.

AdMob also provides developers with a range of mediation options, allowing them to serve ads from multiple ad networks.

Which platform is right for you?

So, which platform should you choose for your website or mobile app? The answer depends on your specific needs and goals.

If you’re looking for a platform to manage your advertising inventory across multiple ad networks, Ad Manager may be the best choice for you. Ad Manager provides advanced reporting and analytics tools, making it easier to optimize your revenue and user experience.

If you’re a website publisher looking for a simple and easy-to-use platform to display targeted ads, AdSense may be the way to go. AdSense is easy to set up and use and provides a range of ad formats to choose from.

Finally, if you’re a mobile app developer looking to monetize your app through advertising, AdMob may be the best choice for you. AdMob offers a range of ad formats and mediation options and integrates with Google Analytics for Firebase to provide powerful analytics tools.


Ad Manager, AdSense, and AdMob all have unique features and serve different purposes. By understanding the differences between these platforms, you can choose the one that best fits your needs and goals.


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