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E-A-T: What is it and why does it matter in digital marketing?

E-A-T: What is it and why does it matter in digital marketing

In digital marketing, E-A-T stands for expertise, authority and trustworthiness. A brand’s E-A-T affects how consumers perceive it and whether they choose to purchase its products or services. If consumers trust the E-A-T of your brand, they are more likely to engage with you and spread your content through social media channels.

This blog post will discuss why E-A-T matters in digital marketing and how you can increase yours by using social media influencers to develop original content that increases the reach of your existing campaigns while building relationships with your target audience.

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Importance of trust:

Trust is the ultimate factor that dictates how engaged a customer will be with your brand. If they trust you, they will spend more time on your website, buy more products from you, and spread the word about your business to their friends.

However, if they don’t trust you at all or feel like they are being manipulated, then they will do what’s best for them — ignore you or find someone else who can help them.

People today have learned to quickly scan pages before giving up too much of their attention span. So if you don’t have compelling copy right away, your site visitors won’t stay long enough to see anything else.

They’ll leave as fast as they arrived. It doesn’t matter how good your product is; without great copy, nobody will know about it.

They might not even understand the product itself because of a lack of clarity in communication. Even worse, customers might think you’re trying to scam them by tricking them into signing up for things they don’t want.

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Different kinds of content you could create:

  • Content that educates your audience on a topic, such as a blog post or podcast episode.
  • Content that entertains your audience with fun facts, videos, and memes.
  • Content that engages your audience by inviting them to participate in social media posts or polls.
  • Content that incentivizes your audience to take action, such as downloading an ebook or signing up for a newsletter.
  • Content that enhances the experience of other content you’ve already created like live tweeting events or adding articles to the company blog.
  • Content that promotes your product, service, or brand.
  • Content that generates traffic to your website.
  • Content that helps drive conversions.
  • Content that encourages people to subscribe to your email list.
  • And more! It doesn’t have to be one thing — you can create a diverse portfolio of E-A-T strategies depending on what your goals are and how you want to communicate with different audiences.

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Why should you care about the quality of your content?

One of the most important parts of any successful business is their content. For businesses who are just starting out, this can be a difficult task.

Creating quality content can be time consuming and expensive, but fortunately, there are ways to do it without spending an arm and a leg. If you’re looking for some tips on how to create great content, keep reading!

  1. Create infographics – A great way to create quick and easy infographics that will help your readers understand your topic more easily.
  2. Tell stories with images – We all love a good story, and stories told through images have been proven to have better retention rates than stories told through text alone. It’s a win-win situation; create engaging images while helping your audience learn! Here’s a list of places where you can find high-quality royalty-free images to use in your posts: Pixabay, Unsplash, Flickr Creative Commons.
  3. Find your voice – Your voice is what sets you apart from everyone else. In order to stand out and connect with your audience, it’s essential that you don’t try to sound like someone else or write like someone else. Be yourself and take advantage of this as an opportunity to grow as a writer! There’s nothing worse than coming across as bland, unoriginal, and uninteresting.

With these three aspects covered, now it’s time to start sharing your content!

Nowadays, people spend a lot of their day online so we recommend posting your articles on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. You’ll get instant feedback about what works well for you or not so well for you.

To help boost your reach, consider using hashtags (#). Hashtags are used to categorize posts so they’re easier to find later on. For example, #MondayMotivation or #QuoteOfTheDay.

Make sure to include hashtags that are relevant to your industry or niche. By doing this, you’ll gain exposure from those interested in similar topics which may lead to an increase in website traffic and higher engagement rates.

How can you tell if your content has E-A-T?

Your content needs to be relevant, accurate, trustworthy, teachable and timely. If you’re not sure if your content has E-A-T, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is the information I’m sharing relevant to my audience?
  • Is the information I’m sharing accurate?
  • Am I an expert on the topic I’m sharing about?
  • Have I shared this content before or have a previous post about this topic on my blog?
  • Can someone take what they learn from reading my content and apply it in their own life or job?
  • Will this content still be relevant next week, next month or even next year?
  • Am I passionate about what I’m writing about?
  • Do others know that I am passionate about this topic?
  • Will readers get value from reading what I write (or watching what I create)?
  • Does it answer their question, solve their problem or meet a need for them?
  • Do people see that I care about what I’m talking about?
  • It’s important that people can see through your words and actions that you care deeply about what you are discussing. If they can’t tell, then they might feel like your time isn’t worth theirs because you aren’t putting forth any effort.

Common mistakes people make when they write content:

Most people don’t know what E-A-T stands for, but they do know that it’s important. So here’s a quick rundown of what EAT means when we talk about content creation.

#1) Expertise – Is the author an expert on their topic?

#2) Authority – Does the author have authority on their topic?

#3) Trustworthiness – Can you trust this person to give you advice about their topic that isn’t biased or pushing a certain agenda?

#4) Conversational tone – Is this written conversationally like talking to someone one-on-one, not as if you were reading an instruction manual?

If your writing has these qualities, then congratulations!

You’ve mastered the art of E-A-T. The first step to mastering E-A-T starts with understanding what each letter stands for and ensuring that all four aspects are present.


E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. This acronym is used to measure the strength of a brand or individual’s online presence. When your E-A-T score reaches 100%, you are an expert on the subject that you are writing about. If your E-A-T score falls below 80% you will be perceived as unprofessional and untrustworthy.

One way to increase this score is by blogging. Your blog should have consistent content, pictures, videos, and a call-to-action at the end of each post. As you publish more blog posts, your search engine rankings will increase. By providing valuable information for readers to share with their friends, followers, and contacts; this increases your social media presence as well.

A high social media following makes it easier for people to trust you and increases your credibility as an expert in your field. These are just some of the many benefits of blogging!

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